They can grow as large as 200 pounds and have long tails. Bobcats are common in Western Massachusetts. They typically grow to 30 to 40 pounds, have a fluffy coat and have short tails.For some reason New England F&W people have been more than reluctant to even admit there's a remote possibility that mountain lions might be in our area.Peccaries are southern animals and never got that far north. Wild boar could easily adapt to Massachusetts climate but again very little chance with humans.Massachusetts Environmental Police responded and saw paw prints that strongly resembled those of a mountain lion also called a cougar, puma or catamount.

State, independent experts disagree. A Massachusetts woman Even for a man with his credentials, his report was met with scepticism. However, dispersing western mountain lions have left evidence as close as Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York. NH Fish and Game relies on physical evidence to answer questions about the presence or absence of mountain lion in the state.Here's a segment from the article which appeared in the Worcester Telegram:[b[iB ut one other non-confirmed local cougar report does have substantial credibility. Retired state wildlife photographer Jack Swedberg recently confided how he and a Quabbin forester independently observed a mountain lion about 30 years ago on Prescott Peninsula.
About 30 to 50 are believed to live in the Everglades. Just this May, a Canadian on his farm in New Brunswick made a videotape of an animal, which at least one scientist has identified as a young panther.Over the years, hundreds of sightings of the graceful, tawny animal, also called a cougar, mountain lion, catamount and puma, have been reported from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick as far south as Massachusetts.The panther (Felis concolor) is known to exist today in the American West and western Canada. But do the sightings, even if authentic, mean the stealthy big cat is breeding again in the Northeast decades after its presumed extinction there? The question has split naturalists into fervent believers and skeptics demanding foolproof evidence.Hubert Graham, a fire watcher on Blue Hill Mountain on the Maine coast near Bangor, said he saw a female panther and a cub several times at close range last year, indicating a breeding population.