Rock Candy Xbox 360 Controller Update Driver Software
Scroll down and select the 'Microsoft Common Controller for Windows Class' From there select the I've long wanted a controller after making the long-overdue switch to PC gaming, having grown highly accustomed to using them on consoles over the years. Browse my computer for local files -> let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer. Find the controller (should have the little yellow sign) and right-click -> update driver software.

Sometimes, but not always, plugging the controller into my computer's USB port causes the Home button to momentarily light up, but then go dark again. On the downside, though, the oil/dirt remnants that one's hand sweat naturally leaves on a controller seems to accumulate more readily on this type of plastic (though to be fair, perhaps it merely seems that way because the grime is more visible than it is on the Microsoft brand controller's black plastic.)The biggest problem with this controller, which is the only one that has to do with performance, actually does not interfere with gameplay at all apart from delaying it by a minute or so. (In fact, considering that one of my roommates somehow managed to damage the rubber on my old wireless controller's left analogue stick, I'd say I actually prefer the plastic sticks for their improved durability.) Also, though this controller's "body" is made of a different type of plastic than that of the official controller, I was extremely pleased to find that it's nigh-impossible to notice the difference between the two while gaming. This difference caused my thumbs to start itching slightly when I first began using this controller, but the required acclimation period is so short that this only ever happened that one time, and now I feel no irritation at all from them.
If you want an Xbox 360 controller, this is the one to get. It manages to improve upon the official controller in several areas, and any disadvantages are more than outweighed by the lower price in all other respects (button placement, response time, etc.), the two are indistinguishable. When it comes to third-party controllers, the only truly important thing is whether it can match the moment-to-moment performance of its first-party equivalent, and the Rock Candy controller absolutely fulfills this criterion. It's annoying, but ultimately trivial, and at all other times you'll be pleased to learn that the controller activates instantaneously upon being plugged in.All of the issues raised here are nitpicks.